Thursday, March 24, 2011

3 Works of Art

 Explosion, a painting by George Grosz (1917), shows the the destruction of a city. In the piece of art, the first thing that struck me was the colors in it. Red  is the first color that jumped out to me because it is the color of blood and the color of destruction. As we can see in the picture, everything is destroyed. The buildings are collasping and what seems to be people at the bottom of the painting are obviously suffering. This picture relates to World War 1 as it was extremely destructive and relentess towards the inhabitants of Europe.

Paths of Glory, 1917 by CRW Nevinson is a picture that i found in which I thought exemplified the idea of war. The bodies of two British soldiers are dead, burried and left unattented in the trenches. We spoke about this in class about how dead bodies would be left to rot away while other soldiers would have to fight and live around them day in and day out. The color of the soldiers uniforms blend into the muddy ground which gives the impression that they were left without attendence.The dark colors of the ground and the sky makes the picture have more of a sadden feeling as well.

 Sturmtruppe geht unter Gas vor (Assault under Gas) by Otto Dix was a picture that I picked because in class we talked about the different types of weapons that were new to warfare including different types of gases first used by the Germans like chlorine, phosgene and mustard. In the painting, we can see that the men are holding what seems to be canasters that releases the gas. The poisin blinded so many and burned the skin and lungs of the victims. The gas masks worn in the painting provided some protection for the soldiers. Gas attacks were a big part of the war because both sides began to use this weapon.


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